Headquartered in Mumbai
With office in Delhi
and Toronto
Working with clients across latitudes.
Vinod Cookware
ServiceBrand Awareness & Promotional Campaign
Client Brief
Vinod Cookware wanted to establish price-promotion ad messages and designs that would drive the strongest return on ad spends for the Black Friday Sales event. The goal was to increase the number of e-commerce conversions via FB & IG ads.
Black Friday is generally associated with technology in the west (and recently APAC), so the idea was to be the first Indian brand to associate the Black Friday sale to cookware.
Using the Betatyping approach: a creative and measurement system, we experimented with multiple positionings and concepts to learn what works best. This helped us to connect with hard-to-reach audiences, and get unfiltered, real-time responses to various creative approaches across Facebook & Instagram.
To boost sales around Black Friday, we used two rounds of split tests, with three different promotional messages and designs to see which had the greatest appeal. We used a conversion lift test to measure the sales impact. To determine how the ads were performing, we added the Facebook pixel to their website which allowed us to keep track of purchases made there and set up a scientific conversion lift study to measure lift. Lift refers to results that wouldn't have happened without the ads. The more lift the ads cause, the more effective they are.
Facebook campaign testing allowed us to maximize return on ad spends while reaching out to new customers by bringing these results: