Why is ORM A Booming Service?

As each day passes by there is more information uploaded online. Not all of it is in good light. For any business or brand,...

Gender Pronouns And Workplace Inclusivity

Before we start digging deeper into this topic, let’s first understand the meaning of gender pronouns and why they matter to each individual. A gender...

“PRIDE” In Advertising Or Pride Campaigns That Stand Apart

It's the month of colors, sharing love, accepting individuality, and honoring experiences. In the world of advertising, we see brands repping rainbow avatars and...

Are Social Media Platforms Safe To Use?

Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. help you stay in touch with your family and friends all around the world. People are...

Are Social Media Influencers Harmful To Society?

Who are Social Media Influencers? Social media influencers are people who have established an online reputation and credibility for themselves on their choice of social...

Corporate Communications And Public Relations: A Match Made In Heaven

Communication is essential for an organization's effective operation in today's information-driven culture. On that front, Corporate Communication and Public Relations are what keep a...

Let’s Make the World a Less Toxic Place to Live In

Toxicity. There exists so much of it. What does one mean by the word toxicity? Any impurity, be it physical or mental, is toxic...

Brands At Chimp&z Inc Celebrate The Divinity Of Ganesh Chaturthi

When we hear that Ganesh Chaturthi is around the corner, the first two things that conquer our brain are Modaks and the divine sculptures...

What is Social Media Marketing and Why Do Businesses Use It?

We don't need to tell you how massive social media has become. The pace at which it is growing sees no limit.  Audiences are...

4 Tips To Power Up Social Brand Building For Gaining More...

From big brands to small, you can find every business on social media. The power of social media is such that it can help...

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